Practical hints
Opening/closing in an emergency (Cabriolet)
4 Hex wrench
5 Screw of hydraulic pump
̈ Insert hex wrench 4 into screw 5.
̈ Turn hydraulic pump screw 5 counter-
clockwise one revolution with hex
wrench 4.
6 Lever
7 Soft top storage compartment hinge
The soft top storage compartment hinges
are located on the left and right of the
space between the soft top compartment
cover and the trunk seal.
̈ Pull the two levers 6 apart and fold
levers 6 of soft top storage compart-
ment hinge 7 forward on both sides
over the detent position.
8 Strap
̈ Pull strap 8, supplied in vehicle tool
kit, behind soft top storage compart-
ment through hinge 7.
̈ Bring strap together in front of hinge.
̈ Pull the side with the handle through
the loop on the opposite side.
Do not operate the soft top switch with
screw 5 in the opened position, otherwise the
hydraulic pump could be damaged.