Control systems
COMAND navigation system (destination memory)
̄ COMAND navigation system (destination memory)
Saving a destination in the destination
Saving after the address has been en-
̈ Select “Save” after entering the ad-
dress (
୴ page 172).
You can now select save options.
Saving during route guidance
̈ Select “Destination” Ǟ “Save Destina-
tion” during route guidance.
You can now select save options.
Saving a destination from the list of last
̈ Select “Navi” Ǟ “Destination” Ǟ
“From Last Destinations”.
The list of last destinations appears.
̈ Select desired destination.
The address of the destination is dis-
̈ Select “Save”.
You can now select save options.
Selecting save options
Saving a destination without a name
̈ Select “Save Without Name”.
COMAND saves the destination in the
destination memory and uses the ad-
dress as the destination name.
̈ Select “Save as ‘My Address’ ”.
̈ Select desired category, e.g. “Home”.
COMAND saves the destination in the
destination memory as your own ad-
Saving a destination with a name
̈ Select “Save new entry”.
̈ Select desired category, e.g. “Home”.
The input menu appears with the data
fields and the input characters.
1 Selected data field with input mark
2 Input characters
This function also saves the destination in
the address book. There COMAND creates an
address book entry containing complete, naviga-
ble address data. You can then select this entry
in the address book and start navigation to the