Steering wheel gearshift control
Automatic transmission 411
Stolen Vehicle Recovery services 518
Storage compartments 494
Cup holder 498
Front armrest 495
Parcel net 496
Rear armrest 496
Ruffled storage pockets 498
Storage compartment in front
armrest 495
Storage tray/telephone* compartment
in front armrest 495
Under the front seats 495
Storing tires 552
Summer opening feature 385
Sun visors 502
Sunroof see Power tilt/sliding sunroof
Extending or retracting rear window
sunshade (COMAND) 249
Extending/retracting rear window
sunshade 503
Opening or closing rear side window
sunshades 385
Suspension tuning
Setting (ABC*) 442
Setting (Airmatic) 440
Symbols used in this operator’s
manual 18
System settings (COMAND)
settings 239
Display 235
Favorite button 238
Menu overview 235
Reset 241
Setting the system language 238
Time settings 235
Voice Control* settings
(COMAND) 237
Tachometer 418
Overspeed range 418
Tail lamps
Cleaning lenses 589
Messages in display 657
Tar stains 586
Tele Aid 510
Automatic Maintenance Call 518
Call priority 516
Emergency calls 511
Hands-free microphone 33
Information 515
Information button 513
Initiating an emergency call
manually 513
Messages in display 664
Remote door lock 517
Remote door unlock 517
Roadside Assistance 514
Roadside Assistance button 513
SOS button 513
Stolen Vehicle Recovery
services 518
System self-check 511