Occupant safety
Driver and front passenger front air bags and
driver’s side knee bag are deployed
in the event of certain frontal impacts
if impact exceeds a preset deployment
if the system determines that air bag
deployment can offer additional protection
to that provided by the seat belt
depending on whether the seat belt is in
independently of the side impact air bags
and/or the window curtain air bags
The front air bags in this vehicle have been
designed to inflate in two stages. This allows
the air bags to have different rates of inflation
that are based on the vehicle deceleration
rate as assessed by the air bag control unit.
On the front passenger side, front air bag
2 deployment is additionally influenced by
the passenger’s weight category as identified
by the Occupant Classification System (OCS)
(Y page 48).
The lighter the front passenger side
occupant, the higher the vehicle deceleration
rate required for second stage inflation of
front air bag 2.
The air bags will not deploy in impacts which
do not exceed the system’s preset
deployment thresholds. You will then be
protected by the fastened seat belts.
The front air bags will not deploy in the event
of a rollover unless the vehicle’s rate of
longitudinal deceleration or acceleration
exceeds the preset deployment threshold for
the front air bags.
The front passenger front air bag 2 will only
be deployed if
the system, based on OCS weight sensor
readings, detects that the front passenger
seat is occupied
the 59 indicator lamp in the
center console is not lit (Y page 51)
the impact exceeds a preset deployment
Knee bag
Knee bag 3 is located on the driver side
lower instrument panel. It is designed to
operate together with the driver front air bag
in certain frontal impacts exceeding a preset
deployment threshold. Knee bag 3 operates
best in conjunction with a properly positioned
and fastened seat belt.
Side impact air bags
Observe Safety notes, see
page 45.
Front side impact air bag
Rear side impact air bag
When deployed, the side impact air bags are
designed to provide increased protection for
the thorax (but not the head, neck and arms)
of the occupants on the side of the vehicle on
which the impact occurs.
The side impact air bags are deployed
on the impacted side of the vehicle
in side impacts exceeding a preset
deployment threshold
regardless of whether the seat belt is in use
Safety and security