Navigation system
see Separate operating instructions
Navi menu .......................................... 126
NECK-PRO active front head
restraints ............................................. 52
Resetting ....................................... 311
Nets, parcel ....................................... 203
Normal occupant weight .................. 251
Number, vehicle identification
(VIN) ................................................... 333
Occupant Classification System
see OCS (Occupant Classification
Occupant distribution ....................... 251
Occupant safety
Air bags ........................................... 37
BabySmart™ .................................... 46
Children and air bags ....................... 37
Children in the vehicle ..................... 54
Child seat anchors – LATCH-type
(ISOFIX) ........................................... 58
Fastening the seat belts ................... 50
Front passenger front air bag off
indicator lamp (Canada
only) ........................................ 46, 307
Front passenger front air bag off
indicator lamp (USA only) ........ 42, 308
Infant and child restraint systems .... 55
Introduction ..................................... 36
ISOFIX (Child seat anchors –
LATCH-type) ..................................... 58
OCS (Occupant Classification
System) ........................................... 42
Seat belts .................................. 39, 48
OCS (Occupant Classification
System) ................................................ 42
Self-test ........................................... 46
Odometer ........................................... 121
Oil, oil level
see Engine oil
On-board computer
see Control system
One-touch gearshifting ..................... 112
Operating safety .................................. 22
Ornamental moldings, cleaning ....... 263
Overhead control panel ...................... 32
Paintwork, cleaning .......................... 261
Paintwork code ................................. 333
Panic alarm .......................................... 60
Panorama roof with power tilt/
sliding panel ...................................... 200
Cleaning ......................................... 264
Operation ....................................... 200
Roller sunblinds ............................. 199
Synchronizing ................................ 201
Parcel nets ......................................... 203
Parking ............................................... 105
Parktronic system .......................... 185
Parking brake .................................... 105
Messages in the multifunction
display ........................................... 281
Parking position
Exterior rear view mirrors ................ 87
Transmission position .................... 109
Parktronic system
Cleaning system sensors ............... 263
Malfunction .................................... 187
Minimum distance ......................... 186
Sensor range ................................. 185
Switching on/off ........................... 187
System sensors ............................. 185
Warning indicators ......................... 186
Parts service ...................................... 332
PASS AIR BAG OFF indicator lamp
(Canada only)
see Front passenger front air bag
off indicator lamp (Canada only)
PASS AIR BAG OFF indicator lamp
(USA only)
see Front passenger front air bag
off indicator lamp (USA only)
Passenger safety
see Occupant safety
Pedals ................................................. 254
Pelvis air bags ..................................... 41
see Telephone
Plastic parts, cleaning ...................... 265
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2009-07-16T17:54:06+02:00 - Seite 13