To unlock: press button :.
To lock: press button ;.
The vehicle locks when all the doors are
You can open a locked front door from inside
the vehicle. Only open the door if traffic
conditions allow you to do so.
If the vehicle has previously been locked with
the central locking button:
and the KEYLESS-GO key is restored to the
factory settings, the entire vehicle is
unlocked if a front door is opened from
inside the vehicle.
and the KEYLESS-GO key is set to individual
settings, only the front door which is
opened from inside the vehicle is unlocked.
If the vehicle has been locked centrally with
the SmartKey or with KEYLESS-GO, it does
not unlock if you use the unlocking button of
the central locking.
Automatic locking
The vehicle locks automatically when the
ignition is switched on and the wheels of
the vehicle are moving at a speed of more
than 9 mph(15 km/h). You may therefore
lock yourself out if the vehicle is being
pushed, towed, or located on a test rig.
To deactivate: press and hold button :
for about five seconds until a tone sounds.
To activate: press and hold button ; for
about five seconds until a tone sounds.
When you push either of the two buttons
and an audible warning signal does not
sound, the relevant setting has already
been selected.
You can switch the automatic locking
function on and off using the on-board
computer (Y page 231).
Unlocking the driver's door
(mechanical key)
If the vehicle can no longer be unlocked
centrally with the SmartKey or KEYLESS-GO:
Take the mechanical key out of the
SmartKey (Y page 79).
Opening and closing
BA 212 USA, CA Edition B 2011; 1; 5, en-US
dimargi Version:
2010-05-20T13:33:46+02:00 - Seite 85