
The most common setting for SwitchTrack is to assign one or both of the rockers to Track 2
and coordinate your system so Track 2 is synched with your Lead playing. This maximizes
the distortion response while retaining the purity of Track 1 for clean rhythm performance.
But the unique design of the SwitchTrack system lets you switch between any two of the
many possible power amp sounds, so be sure to experiment with different settings for
various musical styles and room configurations.
The Strategy 500, at just under 200 watts per side, is the world's most three-dimensional
sounding musical amplifier. The 500 uses four 6L6's plus two 6550's in each channel. Its
shimmering clarity and bright dynamic headroom make it the choice for players
concentrating on their clean sound ... or playing the biggest venues. This amp is fast, punchy
and bold! And it’s greater articulation enables it to be layered with effects and still retain a
focused sound.
Here's some good news. The tubes in the 500 should last a long time. Although the tubes
have a six month warranty, they should last an easy two years or probably more on average.
When the time comes for replacement - or if you want a traveling spare set - please use the
Half Price Coupon we've included and order direct from us. We want you to remain happy
with your hand-built MESA/Boogie for many years to come and we don't want you worrying
about excessive replacement costs.
More good news: We've set up the bias circuit during manufacture and burn-in so that under
normal conditions, it should never need attention. In fact we've purposely eliminated any
adjustment so there'd be no mystery and tech charges in the future.
Tied off inside the chassis are two brown wires which are 2 ohm speaker leads. If needed,
these can be used in place of the 4 ohm tap if your standard speaker configuration is 2
ohms. Note that using two 4 ohm cabinets in parallel on the same channel results in a 2 ohm
Thanks for trusting us with your sound. At MESA/Boogie we are tone fanatics dedicated to
your musical career. We appreciate your confidence in us and will do everything possible to
ensure your lasting satisfaction.