
production! Rather than worrying about future ‘Mark II and III’ upgrades with additional expenses and down-time for shipping, you can
rest assured that you purchased a fully matured design. Rather than using our customers as beta-testers to fine-tune a design, we
spent two trade shows and a year’s worth of collaboration with retailers and consumers alike to get it right from the beginning.
Anything we could think of as essential has been incorporated, and extraneous features were deleted.
It is thus highly unlikely that any future modifications will occur.
If you are not a musician, this unique aspect of the TIGRIS amplifier might not be readily apparent to you. For those of you interested
in a more complete history of our company, we refer you to an interview between Randall Smith, owner and chief designer, and Chip
Stern, writer for the magazine Stereophile, that appeared in January 1997 and is included with your original kit.
Briefly stated, we have been designing, building and maintaining guitar tube amplifiers since the early 1970s, and have a world-wide
following of devoted musicians who rely on our technical expertise, factory support and warranty back-up to, quite literally, keep
performing. We support working musicians whose livelihood and creativity is deeply connected to their amplifiers of choice. This is
a responsibility we take very seriously. Our road-going Mesa/Boogie gear is built to the very highest standards that reflects the level
of abuse that is part and parcel of the Pro Music world.
We know only one way to build equipment. The assemblers and technicians building and QC-ing our MI gear are the very same that
build and test the HiFi products. So the concern for reliability and detail that fuels our passion for musical instruments manufacture is
likewise evident in our High-End products, the TIGRIS and BARON amplifiers.
We are so confident of our quality of design and execution that we offer a full three years parts and labor warranty. (See chapter 14.)
Many of our first, by now quite legendary, Mesa/Boogies are still fully operational and grace the stage of international concerts.
There may be occasions when you need service that goes beyond what the retailer from whom you bought your amplifier can provide.
Or you may have a question which he can’t answer. When this happens, you may call our factory directly. Our MI division employs 3-
4 people just to answer customer inquiries and questions 10 hours a day. This service comes with your purchase, too - and free. All
we ask of you is that you have read and tried to understand this owner’s manual first before you call with a problem.You might be
surprised to know how many calls we receive where the caller has never read the manual. Most problems have to do with tubes and
merely require exchanging the culprits.
This is explained in chapter 11 on trouble shooting, but should you find yourself at a loss, or simply want to give us feedback on how
the TIGRIS performs in your system, we always welcome your calls. We promise you our very best efforts in making ownership of
the TIGRIS one of the most rewarding purchases of your life, but please - do not call us with questions on how amplifier X compares
with amplifier Z! We are not in a position to audition various components or study competing designs and frankly do not have the time
to act as audio consultants in this fashion - such feedback is best obtained from a retailer. Also, it goes without saying that we have a
very biased Class A opinion of our own amplifiers...
Chapter 8 - EVOLUTION OF THE TIGRIS ( Continued )
Learning how to recognize and eliminate a potentially troublesome tube is important for owners of any tube gear.