The MS5145 Eclipse™ is a single-line, hand-held laser scanner.
Equipped with Metrologic’s patented CodeGate
technology, Eclipse can be
used in a wide variety of applications. CodeGate technology allows the user to
easily target the desired bar code and complete the data transmission with a
simple press of a button. This combination makes Eclipse a perfect selection for
menu scanning, point-of-sale, document processing and inventory control.
With Metrologic’s state-of-the-art scanning technology embedded inside, the
MS5145 Eclipse has a longer working range and a wider scan field than a typical
CCD. The width of the scan line grows as the scanner moves further away from
bar codes. In addition, the laser beam pulses making lining up bar codes easy,
and when the scanner senses a bar code (CodeSense
Mode), the laser beam
automatically switches to scan mode and activates CodeGate to ensure high-
speed scanning and accuracy.
Metrologic has included many standard features such as: user configurable Flash
ROM, PowerLink user-replaceable cables, MetroSet
2 and MetroSelect
configuration, and data editing (parsing).
MS5145 – 00 Laser Emulation
MS5145 – 9 OCIA
MS5145 – 11 IBM 468X/469X, RS232-TXD, RXD, RTS, CTS
MS5145 – 14 RS232 - TXD, RXD, RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR
MS5145 – 38
RS232 Low Speed USB,
Keyboard Emulation or Serial Emulation*
MS5145 – 40 Full Speed USB
MS5145 – 41 RS232/Light Pen Emulation
MS5145 – 47
Keyboard Wedge, Stand Alone Keyboard and RS232
* Configurable for Keyboard Emulation Mode or Serial Emulation Mode. The default
setting is Keyboard Emulation Mode.