AGE! There are no components inside the flashgun that
can be repaired by a layman.
When taking a series of flash shots at full light output and
fast recycling times as provided by NiCad battery opera-
tion, make sure to observe an interval of at least 10 mi-
nutes after 15 flashes, otherwise the flash unit will be
The mecablitz may only be used in combination with a
camera-integrated flash unit if the latter can completely
be folded out!
Quick changes in temperature may cause condensation.
Therefore give the flashgun time to acclimatize!
2. Supported dedicated functions
2.1 mecablitz 36 AF-4 C
• Flash ready indication in camera viewfinder
• Automatic flash sync speed
• TTL flash control
• E-TTL flash control
∆ Manual TTL-flash exposure correction
∆ Flash exposure storage FE
x AF measuring beam control
• Programmed auto flash mode
• Wake-up function for flash unit
∆ = Dedicated function is performed by the camera or must be
set on the camera.
x = Some cameras only support the AF illuminator integrated
in the camera.
2.2 mecablitz 36 AF-4 N
• Flash ready indication in camera viewfinder
• Automatic flash sync speed
• TTL flash control
• i-TTL flash control
• Automatic TTL flash exposure correction
∆ Manual TTL-flash exposure correction
707 47 0178.A2 36AF-4-CNOPS 05.06.2008 8:29 Uhr Seite 71