5.9 Preflashes for red-eye reduction
Red eyes are always the result of a physical effect. It arises whenever a per-
son looks more or less straight into the camera , the ambient light is relatively
dark, and the flash unit is mounted on or directly next to the camera. The
flash unit illuminates the back of the eyes, revealing the blood-filled retina
through the pupil. This is recorded by the camera as a red spot in the eyes.
The red-eye reduction facility brings about a significant improvement in this
respect. When this function is used, the flash unit triggers three weakly visible
preflashes prior to shutter operation, which are followed by the main flash.
These preflashes induce the pupils to close down, thereby diminishing the
red-eye effect.
The preflash function is set on the camera. An activated preflash function is
indicated on the camera’s LC display by a corresponding symbol (see opera-
ting instructions of the camera). There is no setting made on the flash unit,
nor an information given on the flash unit’s display.
The preflash function for red-eye reduction is only possible with cameras that
support this mode (see operating instructions of the camera)!
On some cameras, the red-eye reduction will only support the flash unit built
into the camera or an extra illuminator incorporated in the camera body (see
operating instructions of the camera)!
Second curtain synchronisation (REAR) will not work when the preflash func-
tion is used!
5.10 AUTO FLASH / Triggering control
Some cameras prevent the triggering of a flash if the existing ambient light is
sufficient for an exposure in normal mode. No flash will be fired when the
camera’s shutter release is pressed. On various cameras, the triggering con-
trol function only works in the full auto mode or Program “P” or it must be
activated on the camera (see camera manual).
5.11 Return to basic setting
The flash unit returns to its basic setting when the “Mode” key is kept de-
pressed for at least three seconds.
The following settings are adjusted:
• The “TTL” flash mode.
• The “Auto-OFF” (3m On) function is activated.
• The automatic zoom mode “Auto Zoom”.
• The extended-zoom mode “Ex” is cancelled.
• The flash exposure correction value on the flash unit is cancelled.
• The REAR function on the flash unit is deactivated.