RMS software displays all loudspeakers on the network in a
panel with icons, Meter views, and Text views that can be
customized to suit your needs. Loudspeaker data is
updated 2–5 times per second. Individual loudspeakers can
be physically identified with the Wink option in RMS, which
lights the Wink LED on the RMS module for that particular
loudspeaker. Conversely, a loudspeaker can be identified in
the RMS software by pressing the Identify button on the
loudspeaker’s RMS module.
Loudspeaker icons and views can be arranged to represent
how loudspeakers have been deployed in the system. Multi-
ple panels can be saved and recalled for specific perfor-
mances and venues.
NOTE: When the Acheron Designer heat sink
reaches 85° C (185° F), the On/Status LED
turns red, while its loudspeaker icon in the RMS soft-
ware turns yellow — indicating the loudspeaker is
running hot, but still within safe operating limits.
Make sure that the loudspeaker is properly ventilated.
The Acheron Designer RMS module includes an Identify
button, Wink/Activity LED, Remote Mute switch, and two
Network connectors.
NOTE: The buttons and LED on the
Acheron Designer RMS module are used
exclusively by RMS and have no effect on the acous-
tical or electrical activity of the loudspeaker.
Identify Button
The Identify button serves the following functions:
■ If the loudspeaker has not yet been commissioned
(Wink/Activity LED not lit), press the Identify button to
identify the loudspeaker on the RMS network and com-
mission it.
■ To decommission the loudspeaker, press and hold the
Identify button during startup (see “Resetting the RMS
Module” on page 21).
■ To wink a commissioned loudspeaker, press the Identify
button. The Wink LED on the loudspeaker icon in the
RMS software lights up and the Wink/Activity LED on the
loudspeaker’s RMS user panel turns solid green. Press
the Identify button again to unwink the loudspeaker.
TIP: The Wink function is useful for identifying
the physical loudspeaker corresponding to a
loudspeaker icon in the RMS software.
RMS Panel with Icons
Figure 5: Acheron Designer RMS Module