Allow Select and Isolate settings to be recalled from a snapshot
When selected, recalling a snapshot will apply the channel Select and channel Isolate values
that were captured in the snapshot.
When cleared, snapshots will recall everything except the channel Select and channel
Isolate values.
De-select all channels when the active Galileo tab changes
When selected, channel Selects are dropped when switching Galileo pages. You will need
to select channels explicitly whenever you change pages.
When cleared, channels remain selected until you explicitly de-select them.
Gain Control Linking Mode:
This setting determines how gain value differences are calculated when adjusting gains on
linked channels:
Linked Channel Gain changes are absolute by default, use ALT for relative
When a gain control is set to a new value, all linked gain controls will be set to that
value as well. If you had linked gains at -4, -12, and -18 dB, and set one gain to 0 dB,
all three gains would be set to 0 dB.
Use ‹Alt+drag › or ‹Alt+Enter › to adjust the linked controls by relative amounts.
Linked Channel Gain changes are relative by default, use ALT for absolute
When a gain control is changed by Δ dB, all linked gain controls will be adjusted by
Δ dB as well. If you had linked gains at -4, -12, and -18 dB, and adjusted one gain up
by 2 dB, the gains would then be set to -2, -10, and -16 dB.
Use ‹Alt+drag › or ‹Alt+Enter › to adjust the linked controls by absolute amounts.
Link Groups and Selects Mode:
This setting modifies the action of channel Select. See also Global Galileo Select-Linking
Mode (p. 78), below, for details regarding the interaction between this setting and Galileo
linking modes.
Selected channels are always selected in groups if part of an enabled Link Group
Enabling a channel Select for any channel in a link group enables channel Select for
all the channels in the link group.
Use ‹Cmd+click › to override this behavior.