MM-10AC Specifications
MM-10ACX Specifications
MM-10AC Specifications
Audio Connectors XLR female input with XLR male loop output
Pin 1: Chassis/earth through 220 kΩ, 1000 pF, 15 V clamp network to provide virtual ground lift at
audio frequencies
Pin 2: Signal +
Pin 3: Signal –
Case: Earth ground and chassis
Input Polarity Switch Reverses audio input polarity between pins 2 and 3
AC Power Connectors PowerCon with loop output
LED Displays loudspeaker status
Voltage Selection Automatic
Safety Agency Rated Operating
100–240 V AC; 50/60 Hz
Turn On/Turn Off Points 90–264 V AC; 50/60 Hz
Note: No automatic turn-off voltages. Voltages above 265 V AC are fuse protected but may cause permanent damage to the power sup-
ply. Voltages below 90 V AC may result in intermittent operation.
MM-10AC Current Draw
Idle Current 0.13 A rms (115 V AC); 0.13 A rms (230 V AC); 0.14 A rms (100 V AC)
Maximum Long-Term Continuous
0.40 A rms (115 V AC); 0.25 A rms (230 V AC); 0.46 A rms (100 V AC)
Burst Current 0.9 A rms (115 V AC); 0.4 A rms (230 V AC); 1.1 A rms (100 V AC)
Ultimate Short-Term Peak Current 2.0 A peak (115 V AC); 1.4 A peak (230 V AC); 2.3 A peak (100 V AC)
Inrush Current 4.0 A peak (115 V AC); 2.4 A peak (230 V AC); 4.0 A peak (100 V AC)
Note: Current draw values for a single MM-10AC. AC Loop Output not used.
MM-10ACX Specifications
Subwoofer Audio Connector XLR female input
Pin 1: Chassis/earth through 220 kΩ, 1000 pF, 15 V clamp network to provide virtual ground lift at
audio frequencies
Pin 2: Signal +
Pin 3: Signal –
Case: Earth ground and chassis
Input Polarity Switch Reverses audio input polarity between pins 2 and 3 (subwoofer only)
Input Select Switch Determines whether the subwoofer receives its source signal from the subwoofer input or satellite
inputs (summed)
Note: Input Select switch only included on the MM-10ACX model.
Gain Knob Adjusts the subwoofer signal from completely attenuated to +10 dB
Note: Gain knob only included on the MM-10ACX model.
AC Power Connectors PowerCon with loop output