Programs Windows CE
66 M000174-19
Under Windows CE 5.0 the device contains a Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) client. The SNTP
implementation is derived from the Network Time Protocol (NTP). SNTP synchronizes the system time
on a device with that of an SNTP server. This in turn receives its time from a reference source.
Further information on the functionality of the SNTP client is provided in the Microsoft MSDN
7.10.1 G
The following registry settings control the functionality of the SNTP client (refer also to chapter
Registry Editor).
Changes to the registry entries are not active until the next restart of the SNTP client. The dword
entries are in hexadecimal format (see also chapter Sample settings).
Basic registry entries under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Services\Timesvc]:
Entry Type Description
Server string /
Specifies the domain name of an SNTP server. If only a name is
specified, this value is a string. If a list of servers is specified, the
value is a multi-string.
Public time servers:
swisstime.ethz.ch - IP ETH Zürich
thrad.cybernet.ch - IP Swisscom
pool.ntp.org - IP Int. NTP Server Project
Refresh dword Specifies the duration in milliseconds between the synchronizations
with the SNTP server.
Caution: Minimum value for refresh: 5*60*1000ms
RecoveryRefresh dword Specifies the time in milliseconds until the next synchronization if the
previous attempt failed.
Caution: The specified time for this code must be less than or equal
to the specified time for the refresh code.
Caution: Minimum value for RecoveryRefresh: 5*60*1000ms
Threshold dword Specifies the time in milliseconds between the time on the SNTP
server and the current time on the device. If the difference between
the time on the SNTP server and the current time on the device is
greater, the time synchronization is interrupted.
AutoUpdate dword If this value is set to one (1), the SNTP client is activated if a server
was defined.
ServerRole dword Always set to zero (0). SNTP server is not supported!