Microsoft Exchange 2000 Operations Guide — Version 1.078
Blocking Attachments at the Client
One of the best ways of protecting against virus infection is to block particular attach-
ments from running. Attachments may be blocked at the server level, but they may also be
blocked at the client. You can install a security patch on Microsoft Outlook 98 and
Outlook 2000. This patch is built into Outlook 2000 Service Release 2 and Outlook 2002
(a component of Microsoft Office XP). The effect of this to prevent certain attachments
from running directly from the client (instead they must be saved first) and to prevent
other attachments (those considered more dangerous) from being downloaded at all.
Table 5.2 shows the attachments that are prevented from running.
Table 5.2 File Extensions and File Types
File Extension File Type
.ade Microsoft Access project extension
.adp Microsoft Access project
.bas Microsoft Visual Basic class module
.bat Batch file
.chm Compiled HTML help file
.cmd Microsoft Windows NT command script
.com Microsoft MS-DOS program
.cpl Control Panel extension
.crt Security certificate
.exe Executable
.hlp Help file
.hta HTML program
.inf Setup information
.ins Internet naming service
.isp Internet communication settings
.js Javascript file
.jse Javascript encoded script file
.lnk Shortcut
.mdb Microsoft Access program
.mde Microsoft Access MDE database
.msc Microsoft Common Console document
.msi Microsoft Windows Installer package