8 BlackBerry Enterprise Server 2.1 for Microsoft Exchange 2000
4. Select the country in which you purchased your license for the BlackBerry
Enterprise Server Software, and then click Next to continue. The License
Agreement screen appears.
5. Click Yes to accept the license agreement. Failure to accept the agreement stops
the installation program. The Choose Destination Location screen appears.
6. On the Choose Destination Location screen, either accept the default or browse to
the desired destination location and click Next. The Select Program Folder screen
7. In the Select Program Folder window, accept the default or define a new program
folder name. Leave the Add BlackBerry Enterprise Server Monitor into StartUp
program group check box selected to accept it by default, or clear the check box to
remove the option. Click Next. The Windows NT Login Information screen
8. In the Password field, type the password for the login account shown in the
Account field. The account shown is the account you logged in with to install the
BlackBerry Enterprise Server Software. This account should be the BlackBerry
Enterprise Server service account that you defined earlier.
9. Click Next. The password you define is verified. You must define a valid
password to proceed with the installation. The Communication Information
screen appears.
10. In the MAPI Profile field, type a name for the BESAdmin account profile. Beside
the MAPI Profile field, click Create/Edit Profile to create a MAPI profile. The
Microsoft Exchange Server dialog box opens.
11. On the General tab, in the Microsoft Exchange server field, type the name of the
Microsoft Exchange Server on which you created the service account mailbox.
12. In the Mailbox field, type the name of BlackBerry Enterprise Server
administration mailbox (for example, BESAdmin).
13. Click Check Name to confirm both the server and mailbox names that you
14. When both names appear underlined, click OK to return to the Communication
Information screen.
15. In the remaining fields, define the following values:
• Name to be given to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server: a unique name that
identifies the BlackBerry Enterprise Server
Note: Read the license agreement carefully. Proceeding with the installation indicates that you
agree to the conditions of the license agreement.
Note: If a Failed to Create MAPI error occurs, verify that neither Microsoft Exchange 2000
System Manager nor Microsoft Outlook is installed on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server system.