Note: If the opening screen doesn't appear, double-click the file "setup.exe" in
the root directory.
Setup Tab
Setup Click the Setup button to run the software installation program.
Select from the menu which software you want to install.
The Browse CD button is the standard Windows command that
allows you to open Windows Explorer and show the contents of
the support CD.
Before installing the software from Windows Explorer, look for a
file named README.TXT, INSTALL.TXT or something similar.
This file may contain important information to help you install the
software correctly.
Some software is installed in separate folders for different oper-
ating systems, such as DOS, WIN NT, or WIN98/95. Always go
to the correct folder for the kind of OS you are using.
To install the software, execute a file named SETUP.EXE or
INSTALL.EXE by double-clicking the file and then following the
instructions on the screen.
Exit The Exit button closes the Auto Setup window.
Application Tab
Lists the software utilities that are available on the CD.
Read Me Tab
Displays the path for all software and drivers available on the CD.