Using BIOS
PXP43 Motherboard User’s Guide
Soft-off by PWR-BTTN (Instant off)
Under ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power management Interface) you can
create a software power down. In a software power down, the system can be resumed
by Wake Up Alarms. This item lets you install a software power down that is con-
trolled by the power button on your system. If the item is set to Instant-Off, then the
power button causes a software power down. If the item is set to Delay 4 Sec, then
you have to hold the power button down for four seconds to cause a software power
PWRON After PWR-Fail (Power Off)
This item enables your computer to power off, automatically restart or return to its
previous status after abnormal power lost.
Resume By Ring (Disabled)
The system can be turned off with a software command. If you enable this item, the
system can automatically resume if there is an incoming call on the Modem. You
must use an ATX power supply in order to use this feature.
Resume By PCI/PCI-E/Lan PME (Disabled)
The system can be turned off with a software command. If you enable this item, the
system can automatically resume if there is an incoming call on the PCI Modem or
PCI LAN card. You must use an ATX power supply in order to use this feature. Use
this item to do wake-up action if inserting the PCI card.
Resume By USB (S3) (Disabled)
This item allows you to enable/disable the USB device wakeup function from S3
ACPI Suspend Type (S3)
Use this item to define how your system suspends. In the default, S3, the suspend
mode is a suspend to RAM, i.e, the system shuts down with the exception of a refresh
current to the system memory.
Power Management Setup
This page sets up some parameters for system power management operation.
Select the ACPI
state used for
System Suspend.
Help Item
CMOS Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 1985-2008, American Megatrends, Inc.
Power Management Setup
ACPI Suspend Type S3 (STR)
Soft-off by PWR-BTTN Instant Off
PWRON After PWR-Fail Power Off
Resume by Ring Disabled
Resume By PCI/PCI-E/Lan PME Disabled
Resume by USB (S3) Disabled
Resume By PS2 KB (S3) Disabled
Resume By PS2 MS (S3) Disabled
Resume on RTC Alarm Disabled
: Move
F10: Save ESC: Exit
Enter : Select
+/-/: Value
F9: Load Default settings
F1: General Help
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