50 Chapter 6: Dual Stereo Input Channel
Operator Manual
Pan, routing, mute and solo
The VeniceF is a flexible mixing console with four group buses plus stereo and mono.
Group and solo sections of the dual stereo input channels
Item Description
1 Group switches Each of these four group switches routes its channel
signal to its associated group bus (see “Group sends” on page 51).
2 stereo switch Routes the channel signals to the stereo master buses
(post-EQ, post-pan, post-mute and post-fader).
3 bal control knob This balance control allows continuous reciprocal
adjustment of the channel’s stereo image. It allows the user to determine
the relative output power to each left and right output. At all points this
control retains constant power.
4 MUTE switch and red LED The MUTE switch mutes the channel signal.
The signal will still be sent to the FireWire output. The mute LED
illuminates to show when the MUTE switch is on.
5 SOLO switch and yellow LED With solo enabled, the channel signal is
sent to the after-fade listen (AFL) stereo and pre-fade listen (PFL) mono
buses. The left and right local monitor outputs can be used, for example,
when operating from within a booth to hear selected solos and not the
whole mix. The solo LED illuminates to show when a solo is on.
6 mono sum switch This switch configures the group sends (see “Group
sends” on page 51) for stereo group operation (out position) or mono group
mode (in position). In mono group mode the bal control knob only acts on
the stereo master sends.
7 mono switch This switch routes the channel signal to the mono master
bus (post-EQ and post-fader).