75-440 User manual
Roger Beep
A roger beep will be heard by the other party when “PTT” button is released.
To enable or disable Roger Beep “FUNC”:
Press the "FUNC" + CALL” keys.
Key Beep
A beep is heard by the user when any key is pressed with the exception of the “PTT” button.
To enable or disable Key Beep:
Press the “FUNC” key + “MON” button.
Setting “GROUP MODE” (CTCSS/DCS) codes
To SET CODES”: Turn off the radio. Press and hold the “ and keys. Turn the radio on.
• Select the channel with the “
and keys.
• Press the “FUNC” key to switch the display to TX/RX CODE numbers.
• Press
or keys to select the desired code. The number is displayed in HEX
format. Refer to the table below.
• Press the “FUNC” key to confirm your selection.
• Return to selecting the channel for more programming or turn off the radio to quit copde
Table: Tone Code vs CTCSS/DCS
1 1 67.0 Hz CTCSS
2 2 71.9 Hz CTCSS
74.4 Hz CTCSS
4 4 77.0 Hz CTCSS
5 5 79.7 Hz CTCSS
6 6 82.5 Hz CTCSS
7 7 85.4 Hz CTCSS
8 8 88.5 Hz CTCSS
9 9 91.5 Hz CTCSS
10 A 94.8 Hz CTCSS
11 b 97.4 Hz CTCSS
12 C 100 Hz CTCSS
13 d 103.5 Hz CTCSS
14 E 107.2 Hz CTCSS
15 F 110.9 Hz CTCSS
16 10 114.8 Hz CTCSS
17 11 118.8 Hz CTCSS
18 12 123.0 Hz CTCSS
19 13 127.3 Hz CTCSS
20 14 131.8 Hz CTCSS
21 15 135.5 Hz CTCSS
22 16 141.3 Hz CTCSS
23 17 146.2 Hz CTCSS
24 18 151.4 Hz CTCSS
25 19 156.7 Hz CTCSS
26 1A 162.2 Hz CTCSS
27 1b 167.9 Hz CTCSS
28 1C 173.8 Hz CTCSS
29 1d 179.9 Hz CTCSS
30 IE 186.2 Hz CTCSS
31 IF 192.8 Hz CTCSS
32 20 203.5 Hz CTCSS
33 21 210.7 Hz CTCSS
34 22 218.1 Hz CTCSS
35 23 225.7 Hz CTCSS
36 24 233.6 Hz CTCSS
37 25 241.8 Hz CTCSS
38 26 250.3 Hz CTCSS
39 27 69.3 Hz CTCSS
40 28 159.8 Hz CTCSS
41 29 165.5 Hz CTCSS
42 2A 171.3 Hz CTCSS
43 2b 177.3 Hz CTCSS
44 2C 183.5 Hz CTCSS
45 2d 189.9 Hz CTCSS
46 2E 196.6 Hz CTCSS