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FCC Information Cont…
Your LXT-300/315 operates on General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS)
Frequencies and is subject to the rules and regulations of the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC). The FCC requires that all operators
using General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) frequencies obtain a radio
license before operating their equipment for business, personal, or
recreational use.
A GMRS license held by an individual may be shared by immediate family
members. To obtain the application forms and instructions or for questions
concerning licensing, please contact the FCC at 1-888-CALL-FCC (1-888-225-
5322), or go to http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/prs/genmbl.html.
Use and Care
1. Do not use alcohol or cleaning solutions to clean the radio.
2. Do not immerse the radio in water.
3. Use a soft damp cloth to clean the radio
4. Dry the radio with dry lint-free cloth should it get wet.
5. Turn off the radio and remove the batteries during long-term storage