Programme chart
Outerwear cold to 40°C Max. load 2.5 kg
Use for Performance outerwear (e.g. jackets and trousers) made from mem‐
brane fabric such as Gore-Tex®, SYMPATEX®, WINDSTOPPER®
Notes – Zip up or close jackets before washing.
– Do not use fabric conditioner.
– If wished, these garments can also be re-proofed using the Proof‐
ing programme. Proofing should not be done every time the gar‐
ment is washed.
Proofing 40°C Max. load 2.5 kg
Use for Treating microfibre fabric, skiwear and table linen made from mainly
synthetic fibres to provide a water and dirt resistant finish.
Notes – The items should be freshly laundered and spun or dried before
– For best results, the items should be heat-treated afterwards ei‐
ther in a tumble dryer or by ironing.
Separate rinse Max. load 8.0 kg
Use for Rinsing handwashed items.
Note Reduce the spin speed for items which crease easily.
Starch Max. load 8.0 kg
Use for Starching table cloths, serviettes and workwear.
Notes – Reduce the spin speed for items which crease easily.
– The laundry should be washed but not treated with fabric condi‐