Programming the proportions
for cappuccino or latte
macchiato via the OK sensor
Place the appropriate cup or glass
for the amount you want to
programme under the spouts.
Select Cappuccino or Latte
Touch the OK sensor until the display
shows the options for Cappuccino
(Milk froth, Espresso) or Latte
Macchiato (Hot milk, Milk froth,
Latte Macchiato
8 Hot milk
8 Milk froth
^ Use the arrow sensor to select the
component you wish to set the
amount for.
^ Touch the OK sensor to activate a
tick next to the component you have
selected so that you can then
programme its amount.
Repeat this for all components
required for that drink.
Select "Start" with the arrow sensors
and touch the OK sensor.
The machine will now start the process
for making a cappuccino or latte
As soon as the component required
starts to flow into the cup or glass
"Programme the amount" will appear in
the display.
Once sufficient has flowed into the
cup or glass and "Save" shows in the
display, touch the OK sensor to save
the amount.
Each subsequent drink of this type will
then have the same proportions of
coffee, milk etc.
Programming the amount: setting the portion sizes