Browning only occurs towards the end
of the roasting time.
15 – 20 minutes before the end of roast
ing time take the lid off the pot.
Do not select a higher temperature than
that advised. This would brown, but not
completely cook the meat.
Microwave + Auto Roast h + E
Slide the glass tray with the rack into
the first runner level from the bottom.
Use only heat resistant pots, with no
metal in the pot or lid. Microwaves can
not penetrate metal to reach the food in
the pot.
If using roasting foil
– cut the foil approx. 40 cm longer than
the piece of food
– and tie carefully. Make sure the pot,
foil and ties are suitable for micro-
wave use.
Together with Auto roast, select a mi-
crowave setting for the total cooking
time of:
300 W for roasting meat or fish,
150 W for roasting poultry.
After the roasting process is
Take the roast out of the oven, wrap in
aluminium foil and leave to stand for
about 10 minutes. This helps retain the
juices when the meat is carved.
Useful hints
Roasting in a covered pot
Season the meat and place in the pot.
Add some knobs of butter or margarine
or a little oil or cooking fat. Add about
litre water when roasting a big lean
joint of meat (2 – 3 kg), or roasting poul
try with a high fat content.
Roasting on the rack
Add a little fat or oil to very lean meat or
place a few strips of streaky bacon on
the top. Do not add too much liquid to
the tray during cooking as this will hin-
der the browning process.
Please note that open roasting can give
rise to excessive smoke.
Roasting poultry
For a crisp finish, baste the poultry
10 minutes before the end of cooking
time with slightly salted water.
Roasting deep frozen meat
Deep frozen meat should be defrosted
For more detailed information on
roasting consult a good microwave
or microwave combi-oven cookbook.