Cleaning and care
Enclosed hotplates
Wipe off any spilt food with a damp
cloth after the hotplates have cooled
off. Use a plastic scouring pad if
necessary for stubborn spills.
Moisture or dirt must not penetrate
the hotplate interior.
The hotplates can be scoured, but not
the hotplate surround.
After cleaning switch on the damp
hotplates for a short time to dry out,
to avoid corrosion.
Occasional treatment with a thin film
of oil, or special cleaner for solid hot-
plates is recommended, (eg "Elektro-
puzzi" available to order from the Spare
Parts dept).
Hotplate surround.
This can be cleaned with a suitable
stainless steel cleaner.
Do not use any cleaning agent with
a scouring effect.
Hob trough
Do not use any scouring agents or
pads as this could scratch.
Clean the hob with a hot water and
detergent solution.
Remove any spills of food or water
containing salt as soon as possible,
as these could cause corrosion.
Where spills have dried on, soak for a
short time to make cleaning easier.