
Conversion to alternative types of gas
Changing the main jet, (does not
apply to conversion to Natural Gas).
Using a 10 and 13 mm wrench, loosen
the main jets from their holders. Use
a 13 mm wrench to counterhold.
Screw in the new main jet, once again
using the wrench to counterhold.
Changing the small jets
Natural gas
Liquid gas
b Small jet with smaller orifice (e. g. for
propane gas: 0.25)
c Small jet with larger orifice (e. g. for
propane gas: 0.54)
Using a small screwdriver, unscrew
both small jets in the gas fitting.
Pull the jets out with a pair of pliers,
install the correct jets and secure.
Tighten to the bottom.
Do not use this screw “to adjust” the
small flame.
Save orifices removed from the
appliance for future use.
Conversion to alternative types of gas