When to change the dustbag
Change the dustbag when the colored
marker in the dustbag change indicator
fills the display.
The dustbags are disposable and
intended to be used only once. Do
not attempt to reuse.
How the dustbag change indicator
The indicator is designed to show when
the bag is full of common household
dust and measures the amount of air
flow through the dustbag. Normal
household dust is a mixture of dust,
hair, carpet fluff, threads, sand etc.
However, if fine dust, such as drill dust,
sand, plaster or flour is vacuumed, the
pores of the dustbag become blocked.
The marker will indicate that the bag is
"full" even when it is not. The dustbag
should be changed as the suction
power is greatly reduced.
If the bag is bulging with pet fur, hair,
carpet fluff etc. the indicator may not
register "full". This is because the air
flow of the dustbag may still be high
enough not to activate the marker to
show maximum. The dustbag should
still be changed.
Checking the dustbag change
^ Attach the floor brush to the vacuum
cleaner. Perform this test with the
floor brush only, other attachments
can affect the function of the dustbag
change indicator.
^ Turn the vacuum cleaner on and
select the highest power setting.
^ Lift the floor brush a little off the floor.
If the marker completely fills the
indicator window, the dustbag needs
to be changed.
Maintenance and care