PremiumLine Models
a "Automatic" button
b +/- controls, to set the desired
suction power setting
c ยง "Thermo" indicator
d Blockage protection indicator
e Exhaust filter change indicator
(reset button)
f "Carpet" indicator, the Powerbrush
was turned on using the Carpet/Floor
button on the hand piece.
+/- Controls
The symbols on the control panel
indicate what each setting is
recommended for:
a curtains, lightweight fabrics
b upholstery, cushions
c thick pile carpets, rugs and
( energy saving, daily vacuuming
with low noise level
e low pile carpets
f hard flooring and intensive
cleaning of carpets.
To select a higher power setting,
press the + button.
To select a lower power setting,
press the - button.
The selected power level is displayed
with a yellow light.