Program When to use Note
Normal Available drying options: Turbo, Full load, Gentle, Anti-crease
Extra Dry For laundry to be folded and shelved
immediately, e.g. jeans, towels.
The "Extra Dry" program should not be
selected for jersey materials.
Items may shrink.
More Dry For uniform loads, e.g. sheets,
underwear, socks.
Normal For knitted items that may shrink, e.g.
jersey material or lightweight cottons.
If items are still damp, dry again using
"More Dry".
Less Dry For items to be left damp for ironing.
Hand Iron If fabrics are too damp, dry again using
"Less Dry".
Rotary Iron For items to be ironed with a rotary
To prevent moisture loss, roll up the
laundry until ready to iron.
Wrinkle-free Available drying options: Turbo, Gentle, Anti-crease
More Dry For items that do not require ironing,
e.g. pants and shirts.
Normal For items to be hung after drying.
Less Dry For items which require ironing. Reduce load size for fabrics that wrinkle
Special Programs Available drying options: Anti-crease only available in Fluff,
Woolens Delicate items which allow machine
Take items out immediately after the end
of the program while still slightly damp.
Allow items to air dry.
Smooth Program for reducing creasing in
delicate items.
Sturdy For mixed loads of durable items.
Fluff Individual items to be freshened and
fluffed with cool air.
Reduce load size.
TIMED CYCLES Available drying options: Gentle, Anti-crease
20 min Individual items or very small loads,
e.g. beach towels, swimsuits.
30 min
Quick Guide