Program Fabric Note
Extra dry Multi-layer fabrics, mixed loads
of sturdy cottons, e.g. jeans,
The "Extra dry" program should
not be selected for jersey mate
rials. Items may shrink.
Normal+ Uniform loads of cotton e.g.
sheets, underwear, socks.
Normal Knitted cotton fabrics that may
shrink, e.g. jersey material or
lightweight cottons.
If items are still damp, redry us
ing "Normal+".
Hand iron r Cotton or linen fabrics to be
left damp for ironing.
Hand iron rr If fabrics are too damp for iron
ing, redry using "Hand iron r".
Rotary iron Cotton or linen fabrics, which
will be ironed with a rotary iron.
To prevent moisture loss, roll up
the laundry until ironing.
Normal+ Synthetic permanent press
items made.
Normal Permanent press and blended
fabrics made of blended wo-
ven or knitted fabrics, e.g. cot-
Hand iron Permanent press and blended
fabrics, requiring an ironed finish.
Reduce load size for fabrics that
wrinkle easily.
20 mins. Individual items or very small
Fluff Individual items to be fresh
ened and fluffed with cool air.
Special programs
Woolens Wool and wool blend fabrics Take items out immediately after
the end of the program while still
slightly damp. Allow items to air
Line Dry Program for reducing creasing cotton, linen or permanent press
fabrics made of cotton, blends or synthetics.
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