
OM-196 188 Page 28
1 Memory CRC Error Display
Corrupted program data has been detected
or loaded. The “X” value indicates the pro-
gram number.
May be caused by incompatible information
on the data card or bad memory.
2 Memory Range Error Display
Improper welding power source range is
selected. The “X” value indicates the pro-
gram number.
May be caused by improper range settings
or improper data loaded into the interface
3 No Volt Sensed Error Display
The arc voltage sense circuit did not receive
feedback within the required time after an arc
was established.
May be caused by an inability to establish an
arc in the pulse schedule, or a lack of voltage
4 No Tach Sensed Error Display
The motor tachometer feedback is not
reaching the control.
May be caused by obstructions in the wire
feed system or a faulty wire drive system.
5 Arc Stop Error Display
Trouble is occurring at arc end.
May be caused by obstructions in the wire
feed system or a faulty wire drive system or
torch is touching part at end of weld.
6 Arc Start Error Display
Trouble is occurring at arc start.
May be caused by obstructions in the wire
feed system or a faulty wire drive system.
7 Stop Weld Cycle Error Display
An error has been detected and the robot
hasn’t stopped the weld cycle, causing the
interface unit to stop the weld cycle and wait
for the robot to stop.
8 Error Card Read Display
The card reader is not working properly.
May be caused by a bad data card, a bad
data card reader, a faulty microprocessor
circuit board, or a wiring problem.
9 No Flow Detected
No coolant is detected after preflow in the
weld cycle. Check coolant system and flow
switch for proper operation.
10 Ground Current Detect Error Display
Weld current has been detected in the earth
ground connection.
May be caused by a conductor making
connection to the unit chassis.
11 Wire Stick Error Display
The welding wire has stuck to the workpiece
at the end of the weld.
May be caused by poor weld conditions.
12 Arc Fail Time Out Error Display
An arc was not established within the allotted
May be caused by an inoperable wire drive,
absence of shield gas, or improperly operat-
ing welding power source.
13 No Input IPM Display
Analog IPM (inches per minute) from robot is
not being received.
May be caused by having no wire feed speed
programmed at the robot.
5-5. Front Panel Error Displays
Mem CRC E r r o r
Stop Weld Cycle Err
Mem Range Er r
No Vo l t Sensed Er r or
No Tach Sensed Er r or
Arc Stop Er ror
Arc Star t Er ror
Er ror Card Read
No F l ow De t ec t ed
Grd Cur rent Det ec t
Wi re St i ck Er ror
Arc Fai l TimeOut Err
No I nput IPM