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Using the Forward/Reverse Switch
The forward/reverse switch may be set to
three positions: forward, reverse and lock.
Due to a lockout mechanism, the forward/
reverse switch can only be adjusted when
the trigger is not pressed. Always allow the
motor to come to a complete stop before
using the forward/reverse switch.
1. For forward (clockwise) rotation, push
the forward/reverse switch in the direc-
tion shown. Check the direction of rota-
tion before use.
2. For reverse (counterclockwise) rotation,
push the forward/reverse switch in the
direction shown. Check the direction of
rotation before use.
3. To lock the trigger, push the forward/re-
verse switch to the center position. The
trigger will not work when the forward/
reverse switch is in the locked position.
Always lock the trigger or remove the
battery pack before performing mainte-
nance, changing accessories, storing
the tool and any time the tool is not in
Starting, Stopping and Controlling
These tools may be operated at any speed
from 0 to full speed.
1. To start the tool, pull the trigger.
2. To vary the driving speed, simply in-
crease or decrease pressure on the
trigger. The further the trigger is pulled,
the greater the speed.
3. To stop the tool, release the trigger
and the electric brake stops the tool
Impacting Techniques
The longer a bolt, screw, or nut is impacted,
the tighter it will become. To help prevent
damaging the fasteners or workpieces,
avoid excessive impacting. Be particularly
careful when impacting smaller fasteners
because they require less impacting to reach
optimum torque.
Practice with various fasteners, noting the
length of time required to reach the desired
torque. Check the tightness with a hand-
torque wrench. If the fasteners are too tight,
reduce the impacting time. If they are not
tight enough, increase the impacting time.
Impacting for two seconds is generally
suffi cient for a 3/8" bolt and one second
for a 5/16" bolt. However, oil, dirt, rust or
other matter on the threads or under the
head of the fastener affects the degree of
The torque required to loosen a fastener
averages 75% to 80% of the tightening
torque, depending on the condition of the
contacting surfaces.
On light gasket jobs, run each fastener down
to a relatively light torque and use a hand
torque wrench for fi nal tightening.
To reduce the risk of injury, wear
safety goggles or glasses with side
Fig. 6
Clean dust and debris from charger and tool
vents. Keep tool handles clean, dry and free
of oil or grease. Use only mild soap and a
damp cloth to clean the tool, battery pack
and charger since certain cleaning agents
and solvents are harmful to plastics and other
insulated parts. Some of these include gaso-
line, turpentine, lacquer thinner, paint thinner,
chlorinated cleaning solvents, ammonia and
household detergents containing ammonia.
Never use fl ammable or combustible sol-
vents around tools.
To reduce the risk of injury,
always unplug the charger and
remove the battery pack from
the charger or tool before
performing any maintenance.
Never disassemble the tool,
battery pack or charger. Contact a
MILWAUKEE service facility for ALL
Keep your tool, battery pack and char-
ger in good repair by adopting a regular
maintenance program. After six months
to one year, depending on use, return the
tool, battery pack and charger to a
MILWAUKEE service facility for:
• Lubrication
• Mechanical inspection and cleaning
(gears, spindles, bearings, housing,
• Electrical inspection (battery pack,
charger, motor)
• Testing to assure proper mechanical and
electrical operation
Maintaining Tool
If the tool does not start or operate at full pow-
er with a fully charged battery pack, clean
the contacts on the battery pack. If the tool
still does not work properly, return the tool,
charger and battery pack, to a MILWAUKEE
service facility for repairs.
To reduce the risk of personal injury
and damage, never immerse your
tool, battery pack or charger in liquid
or allow a liquid to fl ow inside them.
For repairs, return the tool, battery pack and
charger to the nearest service center listed on
the back cover of this operator's manual.
Always remove battery pack before
changing or removing accessories.
Only use accessories specifi cally
recommended for this tool. Others
may be hazardous.
For a complete listing of accessories refer to
your MILWAUKEE Electric Tool catalog or go
on-line to www.milwaukeetool.com. To obtain
a catalog, contact your local distributor or a
service center listed on the back cover of this
operator’s manual.