• Using a clean pipette, fill the 50 mL beaker
up to 50 mL mark with the wine sample.
Note: It is important to be accurate in your
measurements of Wine sample. Pipettes are
• Place the stir bar in the beaker and put the
beaker in the minititrator top.
• Fill the 20 mL beaker up to the 5 mL mark
with the Mi555-005 Acid Reagent and add
the content to the 50 mL beaker.
• Place the probe holder on the top of the
beaker and secure by turning clockwise.
• Open refill cap on the ORP electrode and
immerse the electrode
approximately 2 cm
(0.8”) into the sample to be tested. Do not
touch stir bar with the tip of the electrode.
• Insert dosing tip into holder. Ensure there is
titrant in the dosing tip. If not, hold the
dosing tip over an empty container and press
PUMP for a few seconds until the titrant is in
the dosing tip. The tip should be below the
pump to ensure gravity flow.
Note: Be aware of any air bubbles in the
tube it could effect the results.
• Add the contents of one powder packet of
Mi555-006 Stabilizer into the beaker.