
Exposure bracketing lets you expose a series of frames with
exposures below and above the normal metered exposure. This
function is especially useful when shooting with reversal film,
because of the film's low tolerance for exposure error.
With the 800si, you can choose a series of 3, 5, or 7 frames. The
exposures can be made in 0.3, 0.5, or 1.0 EV increments.
Press the drive-mode button
in the control panel.
Turn either control dial until
the exposure-bracketing
indicator appears in the
data panel.
Press the adjust button in the
control panel.
• The exposure-bracketing indicator
will start blinking.
While holding the AE-lock
button, recompose the picture.
• A mark on the meter index will
indicate the difference between the
locked exposure (0) and the
exposure value of the area
currently being read.
• Do not release the AE lock button
until after the picture is taken.
Press the shutter-release button all the way down to take
the photograph.
• Exposure will remain locked as long as your finger depresses the
AE-lock button.
If the flash is up and appears in the viewfinder, Slow-shutter
Sync will be activated (p 88). The spot-metering frame and a
second mark on the index meter will not appear.
Customize Function #10 - AE Lock Button
Setting 1 - In default operation the AE lock button is only active
while it is being pressed.
Setting 2 - The operation of the AE-lock button can be changed
so AE lock is active after the button is pressed. AE lock remains
active until the AE-lock button is pressed a second time. In this
setting, AE lock is also cancelled by turning the camera off,
turning on the flash, or removing the lens.
Continued on next page.
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