Customizing Your Phone
• Play music from your PC on the Navigator Handsfree speakers.
• Listen to music from your PC through a PC headset that is connected to the Navigator
and be ready to receive or make a call in Headset mode.
• Listen to music from your PC through your PC speakers (normal PC speaker operation).
When connected to the Navigator, PC speakers play music only when the phone is idle.
Note: For your privacy, audio from handset, handsfree, or headset calls does not play on
your PC speakers.
Table 4 shows how PC accessories interact with your Navigator.
Table 4: PC Accessory Interaction with the Navigator Phone
PC Headset
You hear …
Idle ON No PC music from Navigator Handsfree speakers.
Idle ON Yes PC music from PC Headset earphones.
If PC speakers are also connected to your Navigator, you
hear music from your PC speakers too.
Note: If you disconnect your PC headset, you hear
music from your Handsfree speakers.
Ringing ON No Ring tone from Navigator Handsfree speakers.
Note: Ring tone interrupts PC music. Your PC
music continues to play, but you cannot hear it
while the phone is ringing.
Ringing ON Yes
An interruption in your PC headset music, and
simultaneous ring tone from Navigator Handsfree
Note: Ringtone does not play on your PC headset,
however your PC headset audio is temporarily
muted so that you can hear the ringtone from your
Navigator Handsfree speakers.
On a call ON No
Audio from the party you are speaking with.
Music does not play on any speaker while you are on a
On a call OFF Yes Audio from the party you are speaking with.