882.00207.00 Chapter 4: Operation 58 of 102
Feeder Clean Out
Any feeder in the Slide Gate/Auger blending system can be emptied and refilled with a different
material. To do a feeder clean out, the operator has to press the “Clean Out” icon key from the recipe
screen (the first screen that appears when powered up).
This screen will allow you to Open or Close the Feeder, Weigh Hopper, Mixer Knife Gate, Empty
the Entire Blender, Start or Stop the Mixer Motor, Test the Alarm Output, Find out the Mixer
Proximity Status and monitor the Current Hopper Weight.
Figure 41: Typical Manual Control Operator Screen
The dump valve opens as soon as the “Press to Open Feeder” key is pressed. This easy feeder clean
out option also serves as a means for emptying a batch that is held in the weigh hopper if the “Press
to Open Weigh Hopper” key is pressed when the blender is stopped. To open/close feeder numbers
2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 press the number next to “Press to Open Feeder” to select the feeder you desire to
empty and the “Press to Close Feeder” key to close the dump valve. Touch the “Done” key to return
to the recipe menu. After entering a recipe, the operator will restart the blending system, putting it
back in normal operation.
Once the operator initiates the run mode of operation, the blending system controller will begin
monitoring the mixer high-level switch. Nothing will happen until the mixer high-level switch is
uncovered. This tells the controller that the mixing chamber is capable of holding another batch of
Once the mixer high-level switch is uncovered, and the weigh hopper has dumped, the system will
meter the ingredients from the supply hoppers, through the metering units, into the weigh hopper.
Each component will be metered individually to allow accurate weighing of the material.
Each component is metered in the order specified by the “Metering Order” setup. See the Installation
& Setup chapter for further details.
Once the final ingredient specified in the recipe has been metered into the weigh hopper, the
controller will take a final weight reading of the weigh hopper. This will start the “Dump Delay”
timer (See Page 51). Once the dump delay timer has timed out, the controller will activate the weigh
hopper dump valve, initiating the weigh hopper dump cycle.
Note: Before starting Slide Gate/Auger blending systems, each ingredient hopper in
the current recipe must contain material! Virgin material must be loaded in
hopper #1. Hopper #3 should only be used for regrind!!
Empty Entire
Warning Message
Current Hopper
Go back to Setup
Test Alarm
Open or Close
Weigh Hopper
Start or Stop Mixer
Open or Close
Mixer Knife Gate
Low Level Prox
Open or Close