••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Beginning
This Software License Agreement (“Agreement”) is an agreement between you (“User”) and Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
(“Licensor”) with regard to the license to use Licensed Software.
Article 1 (Grant of license)
Licensor hereby grants to User a nonexclusive, nontransferable license to use Licensed Software.
Article 2 (License)
1. The license to use Licensed Software granted hereunder shall mean the User’s right to use Licensed Software solely
on this Product. User is hereby allowed to refer to the descriptions and instructions related to Licensed Software
contained in the user’s guide of this Product to the extent necessary for use of such Licensed Software.
2. User shall not reproduce, copy, or modify, in whole or in part, or make addition or alteration to Licensed Software and
pertinent documents.
3. User shall use Licensed Software in accordance with the operating instructions described in the user’s guide.
Article 3 (License conditions)
1. User shall not transfer to any third party the license stipulated in the preceding article.
2. User shall not disassemble, decompile, or otherwise analyze the source code of Licensed Software.
Article 4 (Ownership of Licensed Software)
All and any rights including copyrights related to Licensed Software and pertinent documents shall be owned by
Licensor or the original right holder who granted to Licensor the right to sublicense Licensed Software (hereinafter
referred to as “Original Right Holder”). User shall not own any rights other than the license granted hereunder with
regard to Licensed Software and pertinent documents.
Article 5 (Disclaimer)
Licensor and Original Right Holder shall make no warranties whatsoever with regard to Licensed Software and have
no liability for any damages suffered by User or any third party arising out of User’s execution of the license granted
hereunder, except in cases where any applicable laws are extended.
Article 6 (Responsibility toward third party)
Any issues related to intellectual property rights, including but not limited to rights of privacy, copyright, and patent,
involving any third party arising out of User’s use of Licensed Software shall be settled by User on its own responsibil-
ity, and Licensor shall have no responsibilities for such issues.
Article 7 (Confidentiality)
User shall keep secret the details of Licensed Software and pertinent documents provided hereunder and the
contents of this Agreement that are unknown publicly and shall not disclose or leak such details and contents to any
third party without consent of Licensor.
Article 8 (Termination)
In case of either of the following events, Licensor may terminate this Agreement immediately and may claim against
User for resulting damages it suffers.
(1) User’s violation of any provision of this Agreement.
(2) Occurrence of filing against User for seizure, provisional seizure, provisional injunction, or other forcible
Article 9 (Disposal of Licensed Software)
If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to the preceding article, User shall dispose of Licensed Software, pertinent
documents, and any copies thereof in its possession within two weeks after termination hereof and shall provide
Licensor with a written certification of such disposal.
Article 10 (Update of Licensed Software)
If User updates Licensed Software using an update CD supplied or sold by Licensor or any other means, this
Agreement shall remain applicable to the updated version of such Licensed Software, unless Licensor provides
additional separate terms and conditions for using the updated version of such Licensed Software.
Article 11 (Miscellaneous)
1. If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be invalid by law, the remaining provisions hereof shall remain
valid and enforceable.
2. If any doubt arises in relation to matters not defined herein or interpretation hereof, Licensor and User shall discuss
such doubt and attain a solution in a faithful manner.
Software License Agreement