4.19.3 Operation selection at communication error occurrence (Pr. 121, Pr. 122, Pr. 502).................. 184
4.19.4 Communication EEPROM write selection (Pr. 342) ................................................................... 187
4.19.5 Mitsubishi inverter protocol (computer link communication)....................................................... 188
4.19.6 Modbus RTU communication specifications
(Pr. 117, Pr. 118, Pr. 120, Pr. 122, Pr. 343, Pr. 502, Pr. 549) .................................................... 200
4.20 Special operation and frequency control 212
4.20.1 PID control (Pr. 127 to Pr. 134, Pr. 575 to Pr. 577) .................................................................... 212
4.20.2 Dancer control (Pr. 44, Pr. 45, Pr. 128 to Pr. 134)...................................................................... 220
4.20.3 Regeneration avoidance function (Pr. 665, Pr. 882, Pr. 883, Pr. 885, Pr. 886).......................... 226
4.21 Useful functions 228
4.21.1 Cooling fan operation selection (Pr. 244) ................................................................................... 228
4.21.2 Display of the life of the inverter parts (Pr. 255 to Pr. 259)......................................................... 229
4.21.3 Maintenance timer alarm (Pr. 503, Pr. 504)................................................................................ 233
4.21.4 Current average value monitor signal (Pr. 555 to Pr. 557) ......................................................... 234
4.21.5 Free parameter (Pr. 888, Pr. 889) .............................................................................................. 236
4.22 Setting the parameter unit and operation panel 237
4.22.1 RUN key rotation direction selection (Pr. 40).............................................................................. 237
4.22.2 PU display language selection(Pr.145)....................................................................................... 237
4.22.3 Operation panel frequency setting/key lock operation selection (Pr. 161).................................. 238
4.22.4 Magnitude of frequency change setting (Pr. 295)....................................................................... 240
4.22.5 Buzzer control (Pr. 990).............................................................................................................. 241
4.22.6 PU contrast adjustment (Pr. 991) ............................................................................................... 241
4.23 Parameter clear/ All parameter clear 242
4.24 Initial value change list 243
4.25 Check and clear of the faults history 244