(3) Loss of communications
In the default polled communication mode, the FR-E500KND will respond to loss of
communication based upon the configuration of the EPR bits of Pr. 345 and Pr. 347 as
defined on page 125. The default value of these bits is decimal 0. Such loss of polling
may occur upon physical disconnection of network cabling, network power loss, failure
within the master, etc.
When the EPR bits of Pr. 345 and Pr. 347 are set to decimal 0, the inverter will
continue to execute the last command received until the communication time-out is
reached. This time out value is equal to 4 times the Expected Packet Rate (Note that
this EPR is as set by the DeviceNet master. This is different to the setting of the EPR
bits of Pr. 345 and Pr. 347) as configured by the user. When the inverter times out, it
will generate an E.OPT error and coasts to a stop.
When the EPR bits of Pr. 345 and Pr. 347 are set to decimal 2, the inverter will
continue to execute the last command received until another command is issued. The
FR-E520KND inverter will ignore the communication loss, generate no error and
automatically reset the connection when communication is restored.