
When an alarm occurs in the inverter, the protective function is activated bringing the inverter to an alarm stop and the PU
display automatically changes to any of the following error (alarm) indications.
Function Name Description Indication
Error message
Operation panel lock Appears when operation is tried during operation panel lock.
Parameter write error Appears when an error occurs at parameter writing.
Copy operation error Appears when an error occurs at parameter copying.
Appears when the RES signal is on or the PU and inverter can not make normal
Stall Prevention
Appears during overcurrent stall prevention.
Stall prevention
Appears during overvoltage stall prevention
Appears while the regeneration avoidance function is activated.
Regenerative brake
Appears if the regenerative brake duty reaches or exceeds 85% of the Pr. 70 "special
regenerative brake duty" value. If the regenerative brake duty reaches 100%, a
regenerative overvoltage (E. OV_) occurs.
(displayed only for the 75K or more)
Electronic thermal relay
function prealarm
Appears when the electronic thermal O/L relay has reached 85% of the specified
PU Stop
Appears when on the operation panel was pressed during external operation.
Maintenance signal output
Appears when the cumulative energization time has exceeded the maintenance
output timer set value.
Parameter copy
Appears when parameters are copied between models with capacities of 55K or
less and 75K or more.
Fan fault
Appears when the cooling fan remains stopped when operation is required or when the speed
has decreased.
Major failures
Overcurrent shut-off during
Appears when an overcurrent occurred during acceleration.
Overcurrent shut-off during
constant speed
Appears when an overcurrent occurred during constant speed operation.
Overcurrent shut-off during
deceleration or stop
Appears when an overcurrent occurred during deceleration and at a stop.
Regenerative overvoltage
shutoff during acceleration
Appears when an overvoltage occurred during acceleration.
Regenerative overvoltage
shut-off during constant
Appears when an overvoltage occurred during constant speed operation.
Regenerative overvoltage shut-
off during deceleration or stop
Appears when an overvoltage occurred during deceleration and at a stop.
Inverter overload shut-off
(electronic thermal relay
Appears when the electronic thermal relay function for inverter element protection
was activated.
Motor overload shut-off
(electronic thermal relay
Appears when the electronic thermal relay function for motor protection was
Fin overheat Appears when the heatsink overheated.
Instantaneous power failure
Appears when an instantaneous power failure occurred at an input power supply.
Undervoltage protection Appears when the main circuit DC voltage became low.
Input phase failure Appears if one of the three phases on the inverter input side opened.
Stall prevention
Appears when the output frequency drops to 0.5Hz as a result of deceleration due to
the excess motor load.
Output side earth (ground)
fault overcurrent protection
Appears when an earth (ground) fault occurred on the inverter's output side.
Output phase failure
Appears if one of the three phases on the inverter output side opened.
External thermal relay
Appears when the external thermal relay connected to the terminal OH operated.
PTC thermistor operation
Appears when the motor overheat status is detected for 10s or more by the external
PTC thermistor input connected to the terminal AU.
Option alarm
Appears when an alarm occurred in the option card or an AC power supply is
connected to the R/L1, S/L2, T/L3 when the high power factor converter connection
is set.
Option slot alarm Appears when a communication error occurred in the communication option.
Option alarm Appears when a functional error occurred in the plug-in option.
Parameter storage devide
Appears when operation of the element where parameters are stored became
abnormal. (control circuit board)
Protective Functions