Function assignment of external
terminal and control
*1 When Pr. 59 Remote function selection ≠ "0", the functions of the RL, RM and RH signals change as listed above.
*2 The OH signal turns ON when the relay contact "opens".
*3 These signals are available under V/F control and Simple magnetic flux vector control.
Pr. 59 = 0 (initial value) High-speed operation command
Pr. 4 to Pr. 6, Pr. 24 to Pr. 27, Pr.
232 to Pr. 239
Pr. 59 ≠ 0
*1 Remote setting (acceleration) Pr. 59 106
3 RT Second function selection Pr. 44 to Pr. 51 137
4 AU Terminal 4 input selection Pr. 267 185
5 JOG Jog operation selection Pr. 15, Pr. 16 104
Selection of automatic restart after instantaneous power failure,
flying start
Pr. 57, Pr. 58, Pr.162 to Pr.165,
Pr. 299, Pr. 611
Electronic bypass function
Pr. 57, Pr. 58 Pr. 135 to Pr. 139,
Pr. 159
7 OH External thermal relay input
*2 Pr. 9 117
15-speed selection (combination with three speeds RL, RM, RH,
Pr. 4 to Pr. 6, Pr. 24 to Pr. 27,
Pr.232 to Pr.239
10 X10
Inverter run enable signal (FR-HC, MT-HC, FR-CV connection)
Pr. 30 125
11 X11
FR-HC, MT-HC connection, instantaneous power failure detection
Pr. 30 125
12 X12 PU operation external interlock Pr. 79 206
14 X14 PID control valid terminal
Pr. 127 to Pr. 134, Pr. 575 to Pr.
16 X16
PU/External operation switchover
(turning ON X16 selects External operation)
Pr. 79, Pr. 340 212
24 MRS
Output stop Pr. 17 136
Electronic bypass function
Pr. 57, Pr. 58, Pr. 135 to Pr. 139,
Pr. 159
25 STOP Start self-holding selection ⎯ 138
60 STF
Forward rotation command
(assigned to STF terminal (Pr. 178) only)
⎯ 138
61 STR
Reverse rotation command
(assigned to STR terminal (Pr. 179) only)
⎯ 138
62 RES Inverter reset ⎯⎯
63 PTC PTC thermistor input (assigned to AU terminal (Pr. 184) only) Pr. 9 117
64 X64 PID forward/reverse action switchover Pr. 127 to Pr. 134 261
65 X65
PU/NET operation switchover
(PU operation when X65 turns ON)
Pr. 79, Pr. 340 218
66 X66
External/NET operation switchover
(NET operation when X66 turns ON)
Pr. 79, Pr. 340 218
67 X67
Command source switchover
(Pr.338 and Pr.339 commands are valid when X67 turns ON)
Pr. 338, Pr. 339 219
70 X70 DC feeding operation permission
Pr. 30, Pr. 70
71 X71 DC feeding cancel
Pr. 30, Pr. 70
72 X72 PID integral value reset
Pr. 127 to Pr. 134, Pr. 241, Pr.
553, Pr. 554, Pr. 575 to Pr. 577,
C42 to C45
9999 ⎯ No function ⎯⎯
⋅ Same function can be assigned to two or more terminals. In this case, the logic of terminal input is OR.
⋅ The priorities of the speed commands are in order of jog > multi-speed setting (RH, RM, RL, REX) > PID (X14).
⋅ When the X10 signal (FR-HC, MT-HC, FR-CV connection - inverter operation enable signal) is not set or when the PU
operation external interlock (X12) signal is not assigned at the Pr. 79 Operation mode selection setting of "7", the MRS signal
shares this function.
⋅ Same signal is used to assign multi-speeds (7 speeds) and remote setting. They cannot be set individually.
(Same signal is used since multi-speed (7 speeds) setting and remote setting are not used to set speed at the same time .)
⋅ Changing the terminal assignment using Pr. 178 to Pr. 189 (input terminal function selection) may affect the other functions. Also
check that wiring is correct, since the terminal name and the signal function became different. Set parameters after confirming
the function of each terminal.
Function Related Parameters
Refer to