This projector is equipped with a lamp to project images. This lamp is a consumable. It may burn out or its brightness
may decrease during use. In such cases, replace the lamp with a new one as soon as possible. Be sure to replace the
lamp with a new lamp sold separately that is exclusive to this projector. Contact your dealer for purchase of the lamp.
Spare lamp VLT-HC7800LP
• Becarefulnottodropthelampxingscrewsinsideoftheprojector.Don’tputametalpieceorammableobject
into the projector. Using the projector with any foreign object present inside may result in electric shock or fire.
When you can’t remove the foreign object from the inside, contact your dealer for removal.
• Donottouchthelampwithbarehandsorgiveashocktothelamp.Attachthelampproperly.Improperhandling
may cause explosion.
• Besuretoinstallthelampsecurely.Whenthelampisn’tinstalledproperly,itwon’tilluminate.Improperinstallation
may also result in fire.
• Don’tshaketheremovedlampordon’tliftitaboveyourface.Youreyesmaybeinjuredbyyingorfallingglass
• Don’treplacethelampimmediatelyafterusebecausethelampcoverwillbeveryhot.Youmaygetburned.Turn
off the power using the POWER button. After the lamp goes out, wait about two minutes until the intake and
exhaust fans for cooling the lamp stop rotating. Then unplug the power cord, and wait at least one hour to allow
the lamp to cool down enough to the touch.
• Keepsmallpartssuchasscrewsoutofthereachofbabiesandchildren.Ifswallowed,thosepartscancause
suffocation. In case a baby or a child swallows them, see a doctor.
Interval of lamp replacement
The recommended interval of lamp replacement is about 5000 hours*
of consecutive use. Such interval differs
depending on the operating environment and may be shorter than 5000 hours*
. Decrease in luminescence and/or
color brightness indicates that the lamp needs to be replaced. When the lamp operation time exceeds 3750 hours*
will be lit red only) and the lamp replacement message will appear on the screen for one minute everytime the lamp is
turned on. When the lamp has been used for about 4750 hours*
, the replacement message (LAMP REPLACEMENT)
will appear on the screen for one minute every 25 hours*
thereafter. When the lamp operation time exceeds 5000
, the projector automatically shuts off and can’t be used until the lamp is replaced and the lamp
operation time is reset.
*1: Duration when LAMP MODE of the INSTALLATION menu is set to LOW. When it is set to STANDARD, this duration will be
*2: When LAMP MODE is set to STANDARD, this duration will be shorted to 3000 hours.
• Don’tremovethelampforanypurposeotherthanreplacement.Unnecessaryremovalofthelampmayresultina
• Thisprojectorusesahigh-pressuremercurylampasthelightsource.Thehigh-pressuremercurylampmay
explode or fail to illuminate permanently because of an impact, scratch, or deterioration through use. The period
of time until explosion or permanent failure to illuminate varies considerably from lamp to lamp, depending on
operation conditions. Therefore, the lamp may explode soon after the start of use.
• Thepossibilityofexplosionofthelampincreasesifyouuseitbeyonditsreplacementperiod.Whentheinstruction
of lamp replacement appears, replace it with a new one immediately even if the lamp is still lighting normally.
• Whenthehigh-pressuremercurylampexplodes,glassfragmentswillscatterinsideoroutsidethelampboxand
the gas charged inside the lamp will diffuse inside or outside the projector. The gas inside the lamp contains
mercury. Be careful not to breathe it or avoid it from entering your eye or mouth. If you should breathe it or if it
should enter your eye or mouth, see a doctor immediately.
• Intheeventthatthehigh-pressuremercurylampexploded,glassfragmentsmayhavebeenscatteredinsidethe
projector. Ask your dealer to replace the lamp and to inspect the inside of the projector. When you clean or replace
the lamp by yourself, be sure to hold the handle of the lamp. You may get injured by glass fragments.
• Whenremovingthelampfromtheceiling-mountedprojector,usethelampreplacementattachmentpackedwith
the projector or option lamp to prevent glass fragments from scattering.
• Besuretousethelampexclusivetothisprojector,VLT-HC7800LP.Useofotherlampsmaycauseafailureofthe
Replacing the lamp