
Simple Application Controllers
SMS/SMR/CD Functions and the Modem Setting 2
2 - 26
2.7.2 SMR Function Block Example
Table 2.12: SMR Function Block
Function Set Item Description
E Bit input pin for the function block operation
1) Cmnd String(Cmmand String)
In case of Word output mode, only one command text can be setup.
In case of Bit output mode, a command text for switching bit output
ON and a command text for switching bit output OFF can be setup.
2)SM Age(Short Massage age)
Setup maximum age of received short message.
a) 5 to 720minutes(Unit:5minutes)
b) 12.5 to 24Hours(Unit:30minutes)
c) 2 to 30day(Unit:1day)
d) 5 to 63week(Unit:1week)
3) Phone Number
Setup short message senders phone number.
By setting the phone number in FB parameter, only the Short
Message Entity(SME) with the setup phone number can manipulate a
Up to 28 characters,including “+ , - * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 “.
Asterix Character in phone number
The asterix character '*' can be used to terminate phone number or
can be stand-alone.
It takes place for any combination of numbers. Using the '*', one SMR
FB can switch for a group of phone numbers.(See Table 2.14)
4) Password
Setup authentication password (4 digit code). The password is
common for all SMR FB and stored in Programm Parameter area.
5) Acknowledge
If this parameter is set and the FB output was manipulated by SM, a
acknowledge message is send back to the sender.(See Table 2.15)
6) Retention
If this flag is set, the SMR FB keeps it's output states at the time of
controller power down.
7) Upper Limit (Word output mode)
In case the transmitted value is bigger than the max. value, max.
value becomes active. Max. Value can be [(min.value + 1)...32767].
8) Lower Limit (Word output mode)
In case the transmitted value is smaller than the min. value, min.
value becomes active. Min. Value can be [-32768...(max. value - 1)]