FX2N-5A Special function block Buffer Memory (BFM) 7
Number of averaging times
setting error
Number of averaging times is incorrectly set.Set it within
range from 1 to 256.
If the no. of average data was set to a value outside the
range of 1 to 256, the corresponding BFM was set to 1.
In this case, the direct conversion value will be displayed for
the corresponding channel.
Attempt of setting change while
BFM19 was looked
Although the value in BFM 19 prohibits to change the
setting, a write access to a protected BFM was registered.
No setting changes have been executed.
Sudden change detection set
value error
The sudden change detection value is set to an incorrect
value. (valid range 0 to 32000)
Upper/lower limit value set
value error
Upper/lower limit alarm value is set to an incorrect value
(valid range: -32000
b14 Filter mode setting error
Filter mode (BFM 25) is incorrectly set. Set the lowest two
digits to a valid range according to the description of BFM
Direct output control function
setting error
The direct output control function is set to an undefined
value. Set each digit between a range of 0 and 4.
The number was reset to the previous value.
Table 7.7: Bit assignment in BFM 29
Bit No. Assignment Description