The V-Chip Parent Lock, continued
Select Lock byTime
You may lock all TV viewing for a set
time period, To view programs during
the locked time, enter your four-digit
To lock theTV:
I. After entering your passcode, pressA0rV to
select V-Chip Hours/LockTime and pressE_ R.
2. PressAor_' to select Lock byTime, Press • to
move to the setting field and use A0rV to choose
On. Press • after making your choice.
3. PressA0rV to select LockTime. Press• after
making your choice. Select UnlockTime the same
4. To exit, press _ to go to the previous menu or
to return to television viewing.
5. To view theTV during the locked time, enter your
passcode, when it is requested.
6. To reset the TV lock, turn off the TV.
I. When Lock byTime is off: If LockTime and Unlock
Time are set to the same time, the Parent Lock will
be inactive.
2. When Lock byTime isOn: If LockTime and Unlock
Time are not set, the Parent Lock will be active 24
hours a clay.