Print Data *Manual Number Revision
May., 2003 SH(NA)030007-D Section 9.1: Partial sentence change
Section 9.2: Partial POINT sentence reexamination
Section 9.2: Reexamination of alarm 12, 13 definitions
Reexamination of alarm 15 definition
Addition of alarm 37 occurrence factor and corrective action
Addition of During rotation: 2.5s or more to alarm 51
Section 10.2 (2) (a): Addition of model PCR
Section 11.3: Reexamination of explanation of te
Section 11.5: Addition of inrush currents at power-on of main circuit and
control circuit
Section 12.1.2: Partial sentence addition
Section 12.1.3: Partial sentence addition
Section 12.1.3 (2): Addition of Note
Section 12.1.4 (2): Correction of connection example
Addition of Note
Section 12.1.5: Addition of bus cable connected to motion controller
Section 12.1.5 (4): Reexamination/addition of contents
Section 12.1.6: POINT sentence change
Section 12.2.1 (1): Correction of error in writing of recommended wire
MR-J2S-22KB wire size
Section 12.2.1 (2): Addition of bus cable Q172J2BCBL
Jan., 2004 SH(NA)030007-E Safety Instructions: Overall reexamination
Section 1.5 (2): Partial addition
Section 1.6: Table reexamination
Section 1.8 (3): Note addition
Section 1.8 (4): Note addition
Section 3.1.1: Note 15. reexamination
Section 3.1.2: Note 15. reexamination
Section 4.2: Partial reexamination/addition of CAUTION sentence
Section 5.2: Partial addition of POINT sentence
Section 5.2 (1): Addition of Note 3
Section 5.2 (2): Partial addition of parameter No. 2
Note addition of parameter No. 31
Section 5.4.2: (10) deletion
Section 9.2: Display 32 item addition, Partial reexamination/Note addition of
display 52
Section 10.1: Overall reexamination
Section 11.2: Table change
Section 11.3: Partial text addition
Section 12.1.1 (3): Partial text deletion
Section 12.1.1 (4): Partial text change
Section 12.1.1 (5): Overall reexamination
Section 12.1.4 (2): Addition of Note 2
Section 12.1.7: POINT addition
Section 12.1.8 (1)(a): Partial table reexamination
Section 12.1.9 (2): Partial figure reexamination
Section 12.1.10: Addition
Section 12.2.9 (3): Partial reexamination
Appendix: Addition
WARNING of “To prevent electric shock”: Correction of “10 minutes” to “15
Correction of axis switch model to “SW1”