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7.16.3 Control details
The operation details related to the amplifier-less axis function are shown below.
Item Operation
Servo amplifier The specification of a supposedly connected servo amplifier is shown below.
communication method
Number of encoder pulses
per revolution [pulse]
Maximum motor speed
SSCNET /H 4194304 6000
Note. The servo amplifier operates as a servo amplifier compatible with a rotary servo motor. (It
does not operate as a servo amplifier compatible with the fully closed, linear, and direct
Home position return Home position return using an incremental encoder or incremental linear scale including a scale
home position signal detection method and a scale home position signal detection method 2
(home position return which searches a home position signal again) cannot be used.
In-position signal (INP) This signal turns on when the current command position and the current feedback position are
the same.
Servo alarm No servo alarm occurs.
Servo information Servo information (monitor No.0100 to 02FF) cannot be referred unless the servo amplifier is
connected. Servo amplifier is not connected (MESV) turns on.
High speed monitor The current command position of the previous control cycle is displayed in the current feedback
position. Electrical current feedback and always 0 is displayed.
Torque limit By turning on/off the torque limit signal (TL), on/off of the selecting torque limit signal (TLSO)
can be confirmed. However, the torque limit effective signal (TLC) does not turn on and the
operation of the amplifier-less axis is not affected.
Gain switching By turning on/off the gain switching command signal (GAIN), on/off of the gain switching signal
(GAINO) can be confirmed. However, the operation of the amplifier-less axis is not affected.
Fully closed loop control change By turning on/off the fully closed loop control change signal (CLD), on/off of the fully closed loop
control changing signal (CLDO) can be confirmed. However, the operation of the amplifier-less
axis is not affected.
PI-PID switching By turning on/off the PID control command signal (CPC), on/off of the during PID control signal
(SPC) can be confirmed. However, the operation of the amplifier-less axis is not affected.
Forced stop When forced stop occurs, amplifier-less axis continues the positioning operation without
controller forced stop warning (servo warning E7).
External signal To simulate an operation using a limit switch signal or dog signal (such as home position return),
set dual port memory to the sensor input system (parameter No.0219) and control the sensor
signal command (LSPC, LSNC, DOGC) with the user program.
Absolute position detection
The absolute position detection system cannot be used. The incremental system is always
Reconnect/disconnect function The amplifier-less axis cannot be disconnected or reconnected.
Operation with MR Configurator2 Servo amplifier cannot be operated or monitored with MR Configurator.
The operation of the current feedback position and the timing of the in-
position signal (INP) are different from the case where the servo amplifier is
connected. Confirm the operation finally with a real machine.