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(b) Details concerning system status bits
Abbreviation Signal name Function details
MINFC Machine type
information (CCF)
Shows that the controller connected is a position board.
<Conditions for turning on>
Position board is connected.
<Conditions for turning off>
A controller other than position board is connected.
AHINF Alarm history information [Function]
Shows that position board is alarm history compatible.
<Conditions for turning on>
An alarm history compatible position board is connected.
<Conditions for turning off>
A position board that is not alarm history compatible is connected.
ALHRF Alarm history read
Notifies that reading of alarm history was completed normally.
<Conditions for turning on>
Reading of alarm history is completed normally.
<Conditions for turning off>
Alarm history read command signal (ALHR) was turned off.
ALHRE Alarm history read error [Function]
Notifies that reading of alarm history was not completed normally.
<Conditions for turning on>
Alarm history read command signal (ALHR) was turned on with an alarm history read
page number set outside page number limits.
<Conditions for turning off>
Alarm history read command signal (ALHR) was turned off.
ALHIF Alarm history
initialization complete
Notifies that alarm history initialization was completed normally.
<Conditions for turning on>
Initialization of alarm history is completed normally.
<Conditions for turning off>
Initialization of data entered through turning the alarm history initialization command
signal (ALHI) on.
The alarm history initialization command signal (ALHI) was turned off.
ALHIE Alarm history
initialization error
Notifies that alarm history initialization was not completed normally.
<Conditions for turning on>
Alarm history initialization command signal (ALHI) was turned on with a value other
than E15Ah set to the alarm history initialization ID.
<Conditions for turning off>
The alarm history initialization command signal (ALHI) was turned off.