APP - 37
(h) Number of mark detections counter
The counter value is incremented by 1 at mark detection. Preset the initial
value (0, etc.) in the user program to execute the mark detection in
"Specified Number of Detections mode" or "Ring Buffer mode".
This setting can be ignored when the continuous detection mode is selected.
Word device Setting range Remarks
D 0 to 8191
W 0 to 1FFF
# 0 to 9215
U \G
10000 to (10000+p-1)
• Used as 1 word device.
• The counter is updated as follows after the mark
detection data storage.
Continuous detection mode: 0 to 65535
The counter value is incremented by 1.
It returns to 0 when the counter value exceeds 65535.
Specified number of detection mode: 0 to (number of
The counter value is incremented by 1.
Ring buffer mode : 0 to (number of buffers -1)
The counter value is incremented by 1.
It returns to 0 when the counter value reaches the set
number of buffers or more.
(Note-1): "p" indicates the user setting area points of the Multiple CPU high speed transmission area for each CPU.
(i) Mark detection current value monitor device
The current value of mark detection data can be monitored.
This setting can be ignored.
Word device
Setting range
D 0 to 8191
W 0 to 1FFF
# 0 to 9215
U \G
10000 to (10000+p-1)
The monitor value is updated for
every operation cycle.
(Note-1): Set an even number as device in the 32-bit integer type/64-bit floating-point type.
(Note-2): "p" indicates the user setting area points of the Multiple CPU high speed transmission area
for each CPU.
(j) Mark detection signal status
The ON/OFF status of mark detection signal can be monitored.
This setting can be ignored.
Bit device Setting range Remarks
X 0 to 1FFF
Y 0 to 1FFF
M 0 to 8191
B 0 to 1FFF
U \G
10000.0 to (10000+p-1).F
The ON/OFF status is reflected for
every operation cycle.
(Note-1): Set an even number as device in the 32-bit integer type/64-bit floating-point type.